Saturday 7 September 2013

Victoria River Roadhouse 04 September 2013

Spent last night back in the Shady Lane Tourist Park, Katherine. We had the site behind the one we were in last time, and camped in our old spot was a couple with a gold 4.2 lt GQ Patrol and an Aussie Swag Camper. Only way to tell us apart was that they were both silver headed and their camper was an older white model, but still looking the goods. 'tis a small and strange world in which we live.
The journey west begins today with a short hop to Victoria River. Very glad to be finally finished with the Stuart Hwy which we seem to have been going up, down or to, for a lifetime and a half. There is a plethora of WWII related stuff from Alice all the way to Darwin, with signs to a multitude of airfield, hospital and barracks sites off all the major roads, but one on the Victoria Hwy must surely take the cake as the biggest tourist attraction of the lot of them - Maroopu WWII Abattoir - how could anyone resist dropping in for some historical cultural expansion? Pretty easily as it turned out.
Arrived at the Victoria River Roadhouse to be asked "Is this where we are staying the night?", followed quickly by "Can we go on to the next place down the road?". The maps, and the books were duly consulted, and we stayed. I think the sign over the Roadhouse advertising that it was "Under new Wife" may have swayed the decision. That and the fact that sunrise on the hills over the rad is supposed to be pretty special. Now we just have to remember to wake up early enough.....

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