Saturday 3 August 2013

We're Off! Devon Meadows - Mildura (well sort of)

Well, after two years preparation, seven months planning and five days packing, we finally set off on on the J's second outback adventure. The first one being some time ago now and much less adventurous - the billy lids were still in school and we were restricted to bitumen in the old 'red rattler' falcon.

This time it's different!!!

Hooked up the Aussie Swag and headed out the driveway at 08:30 this morning, which was not a bad effort considering the target was 08:00. Oh well, the best of time lines always seem to slide to the right (little project manager joke there). The trip was uneventful and not very exciting other than for the fact that we had started out holiday. Pretty much a been there got the the t-shirt kind of day since 99% of it was territory we have been over many times before. The most interesting sight on the way was Big Lizzy at Red Hills, which is virtually on the outskirts of Mildura. She is one amazing machine. 45 tons of iron with an 8 ton oil burning engine that towed two huge (I'm talking over 10 foot tall) trailers on weird flappy paddle wheels you have to see to understand, at the neck snapping pace of 3kph with a turning circle of 65 meters. Took some photo's, but with typical Jarvis genius, these are trapped in the internal memory of the camera & I left the requisite (not very universal) USB cable at home and can't suck them off the camera - DOH!
At least I have now figured out why the camera wasn't seeing the memory card so future photos will be available to assist in the task of increasing your levels of envy ;-)

Hazel found us a nice sounding caravan park for our first night - river views, grassy sites etc. Turned out to be in Gol Gol NSW (not Mildura) and there are a grand total of two sites from which the mighty Murray can be seen if you climb on top of your fourby and stare off to the south. Up side is that our trip should now see us visit every state except Tassie & Queensland.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip! Keep the updates coming... Cheers, Shane.
